Check With Your Dentist Before Teeth Whitening

Mar 13th 2023

So you want to have a beautiful, white smile? You might be considering tooth whitening. Many people have problems and don’t always get the results they’re looking for.

Sandy Zahtila wanted a brighter smile. “I’ve been using whitening toothpaste and white strips. I’ve been using them because some discoloration in my teeth drinking coffee to much tea. I do like the results I noticed that my teeth did get whiter by using the products.”

Before you buy an over-the-counter product, make sure you don’t have any underlying dental disease.

Sandy’s dentist, Dr. Adina Carrel, warned her that a small cavity she had may make the tooth extra sensitive to bleaching.

“We see a lot of patients who have cavities in their teeth and they think that with the bleaching products they can actually whiten them and that’s not going to be the case. Cavities can appear dark on teeth and there by those cavities need to be addressed and be removed and there sometimes that alone can whiten teeth,” commented Dr. Carrel.

There can also be bone or gum disease or gum recession.

“That’s very common because a lot of patients brush their teeth to hard thinking that they are going to get the stain off their teeth or they are going to get their teeth whiter and what they are doing is a lot of times damaging the enamel. When you actually apply these products onto the teeth they become a lot more sensitive,” says Dr. Carrel.

Additionally, many people with bonds on their teeth think that bleaching can actually whiten them.

Dr. Carrel noted, “The bonding does not change color at all so at some point you are going to have to get them redone other wise your teeth are going to get whiter but the bonding is going to remain color and will appear much darker”

The same problem holds for crowns.

It’s important to remember that tooth whitening is not a substitute for good dental hygiene. Dental experts say you should be brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and seeing the hygienist on a regular basis.

Dr Timothy Huckabee